Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Taliban

Hello Everyone!

Similar to Nikhil I also finished up a research paper. Mine was on the process in which war criminals were involved in peace negotiations. Followed by an appliance to Afghanistan. However I feel like my first blog post should be devoted to what I personally think is one of the most important goals for Afghanistan. A top priority for the on going war on terror in Afghanistan is the involvement of the Taliban in peace negotiations.

This is one of the most crucial points in the war on terror because they are considered the enemy and are the number one retarding force for the creation of a stable government. Through the use of roadside and suicide bombs the country remains in fluctuation with the intervening forces try to reduce the threats. As it stands at the present moment there seems like there is no reason the Taliban should consider peace talks.

The Taliban has the advantage of time. It’s easy to see the growing anger at the gross amounts of money spent on the war and as the amount increases the likelihood of staying in the country decreases. This means the Taliban can wait in the mountains until the withdrawal, followed by a reacquiring of the territory engrossing the country in the chaos again. There is only one bargaining chip that the Afghanistan government and the US forces have to bargain with, The ANA, Afghanistan National Army.

As the ANA grows the government gains the ability to defend itself. In 2004, eight thousand troops had been trained and were expected to have twenty thousand by 2006 (Their, 503). I make a motion to start to show the power of the ANA in order to get the Taliban to realize that being involved in a peace negotiation with be in their best interest. At least through a peace negotiation there will be Taliban influences and likely be a portion of power granted to them. It will be through the use of the ANA that the Taliban will agree to peace talks.

As we research deeper into the topic of the war criminals of Afghanistan and the power of fear the Taliban has created within the country, I suggest we consider the best option to be including them in peace talks. A quote by President Clinton addressing the Bosnia-Herzegovina conflict applies to this conflict as well, “Only the parties to this terrible conflict can end it.” To achieve a solution to the conflict in Afghanistan it is necessary to bring all the sides of the conflict together, even if it means using the ANA as a threat.

Love to hear some feedback, toss some ideas around, anything critical or good is accepted.


Thier, J. A. "AFghanistan." Twenty-First-Peace Keeping Operations. Ed. William J. Durch. Washington DC: Henry L. Stimpson Center, 2006. 467-572. Print.

1 comment:

  1. What I would like to see, Nathan, is a current assessment of the role that the ANA is playing. What is their current strength? When do experts expect them to be able to carry more of the burden of fighting the Taliban?


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